It's been 10 months since I posted last. Geez! The time has flown by. I have been married for 6 and a half years now. I cannot believe that. Every time our anniversary comes, it's like "What? Again?!" Time really is going way too fast. I just turned 27 a few months ago. Hubby turns 29 next month. We are getting old..
So we have been hoping to get pregnant. No such luck. I have tried charting and it didn't help. I have gone to a radiologist and did pelvic ultrasounds. Next up is a fertility specialist. We have put visiting the specialist on hold for awhile. We have looked into Clomid and decided that is what we wanted to try now. (Clomid helps with getting pregnant by making your cycle regular and making ovulation occur.)
I am doing my first cycle on Clomid. Today is my last day of medication. It is the grossest tasting thing to take so let's hope it works :) We will try this for a few months and see what happens. If it doesn't work, we will then go to the fertility specialist and find out what's next.
*Baby dust and fingers crossed*